Why I prefer SMS and Email.

Personally, I dislike talking on the phone for business purposes, unless there’s absolutely too much to say via email or something needs clarification. Why you may ask? Well I am in a field where I am ALWAYS having 10 things going on. When I’m on the phone, I can only concentrate on being on the phone, not solving problems as I go.

With that, when I’m working on your issues in the background, I’m using a ticketing system, which keeps all our communication in one area, called a ticket. See https://www.ustech.ninja/support for my system. This allows me to see all our communication without having to search for multiple emails. It’s accessed from the web, and email alerts are what show us that either person (client or tech) has responded.

For those of you who don’t know what SMS is, it’s a text message. Texting has become commonplace for being quick and when mastered, people can carry entire conversations if needed, all while multitasking. In my case, I get my texts on my computer enabling me to answer within seconds many times.

Overall, communicating in the same realm makes my job a lot easier.

Need More? See this Forbes article.