Solid State vs Non Solid State Hard Drive: Explained! 😄

Ready to learn the difference between a Solid State drive and a non solid state? Watch and listen below! 🙂



So today, I wanted to talk about the difference between a solid-state hard drive and a non-solid-state hard drive or standard hard drive.
Well, the first difference is the physical difference. A hard drive has a spinning platter and a head similar to that of a record player where that has to move around to access and work with data.
A solid state hard drive is just that. It’s a piece of equipment with no moving parts where all of the data just moves along the board and is limited by the chips on the board.
The biggest upside of a solid state is speed. And I’m going to show you that right now. So I’m going to give you two different speed tests.
So we’re going to give you select Target Drive. going to choose the non-SSD that I have here. We’re going to click Start Speed Test.
So we’re seeing that it’s writing around 150 megabytes per second. we see that it’s reading around 164 megabytes per second.
Now I’m going to not bore you with the entire test of every single thing. It runs through. So I’m going to stop the test, this is the, the baseline where I’m
going to give you as far as the speeds that you’re getting on a non SSD and remember 151, 150, 160.
So now we’re going to test. The SSD and bam. So, mind you, this is testing a very high-end NVMe, which is one of the fastest connections you’re gonna get for a solid-state hard drive if you’re swapping
out a hard drive with another hard drive. Now, again, there’s varying connections. This speed could vary. You could get on a SATA drive, you’re going to get probably closer to like 500.
So a more fair comparison would be this. Okay, so we’ll select the non NVMe drive and we’ll come to open and then.
So as you can see, that’s, that’s going to be more along lines of in line with doing a, the cheaper replacement so your run-of-the-mill SATA drives that you’ll end up.
Swapping out for in the $15 to $30 range with a direct connection swap is still anywhere from two to, two to 10 times, two to five times faster, depending on what specific activity you’re doing.
So why does this matter? This matters because if you’re running windows, then the boot to your boot time accessing files, everything becomes faster with an SSD.
In 2023, you really shouldn’t be using a non S. SSD for your main boot drive or for your, your system drive.
The only time I would say use a non SSD is for storage just because of the fact that they’re cheaper.
They tend to be get higher and higher in. And they’re good for capacity for less money and they’re good for storing, storing data, but they’re not good for fast speeds.
So hopefully this helps give you some shed some light on the difference between SSDs and non SSDs and have a great day.
Thanks for watching.